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Off the clock and on belay


The website & blog you’ve stumbled upon is written by an aspiring non-gumby, for aspiring non-gumbies. Inside you'll find area guides, gear reviews, and other posts covering various climbing topics. See more about me and the site here, check out the locations guides, or look below for the most recent posts.

Gumby, n. - An inexperienced, unknowledgeable and oblivious climber; is a derogatory term. Gumbies are incapable of learning.

-Wikipedia Glossary of Climbing Terms


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Disclaimers & Disclosures

Climbing is dangerous. I am in no way claiming to be an expert on any topics discussed on the site. All information is based on personal experiences and opinions, and it may be out of date, inaccurate, or otherwise wrong. Do not rely on any information on this site in order to climb safely - seek instruction and information from experts.

I have not been paid by any entity, provided with any gear, and do not take commission. My total revenue from this site is exactly $0.

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